27 January, 2017
What are Primitive Reflexes?
Primitive reflexes are a set of automatic movements that we are born with - we don't think about them, they just happen.
These reflexes help with the birthing process and for survival in the initial stages of life. They form the foundation for later motor and cognitive skills.
As the brain and nervous system matures, they disappear and give way to more complex patterns to allow improved learning, motor coordination and socialisation. This disappearing act is called primitive reflex integration.
When a primitive reflex doesn’t integrate - or disappearing as we expect it should - we call this a Retained Primitive Reflex.
Retained primitive reflexes may delay and alter a child’s normal development process. Addressing retained primitive reflexes often involves games and exercises to do at home.

What signs might my child display at home or school?
Difficulties riding a bicycle
Difficulty catching a ball
Struggle to stay still
Easily distractible, having difficulty with attention
Occasionally miss letters or draw them backwards
Awkward grip when holding a pen / pencil
If there is a loud, sudden noise, they may over-react
Bum-shuffle rather than crawling
Suffer from motion or travel sickness
Slouch and have poor posture
Troubles sitting upright
Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.
About the Author

Dr Cassie Atkinson-Quinton - Paediatric-Trained Chiropractor & Paediatric Sleep Coach
Dr Cassie is a paediatric-trained chiropractor, sleep coach and, most importantly, mumma to Master H. She loves seeing newborns grow into inquisitive toddlers and busy school kids. She assesses for neurological development (primitive reflexes), posture, sleep health and movement patterns. She's an eager learning just like the kids she sees.
"It's better to grow healthy children than fix injured adults."