29 March, 2020
We have been thrown many challenges over the past couple of weeks - living in a state of uncertainty.
Some of us are feeling overwhelmed. Maybe fearful, sad or experiencing other emotions. Many of us have been affected through the work we do, our kids schooling, socially and in our day to day activities.
I felt it was important to reach out and connect with you all and to offer some words of reassurance and positivity.
Rather than going into a mindset of all the things we can’t do at this time, maybe begin to focus on the gift.
And I mean the gift of time.
How many of us are so busy rushing around completing everyday tasks that we are always taking about our lack of time or “not enough hours in the day”. Now we do have time!
Use this time to achieve all you have been wanting to accomplish. I think it’s very helpful to write lists. Write all the things you have wanted to do, but not had the time. Through planning and preparation, this time can be used to create so much richness in our lives.
Taking the time to reconnect back in with yourself is such a beautiful gift, and there are many, many ways to do this.
Just to list a few:
Mediating can bring a sense of calm and relaxation. Insight timer is a free app that is brilliant and so easy to use.
I'll soon be writing more about learning how to meditate - watch this space!
Getting your feelings out and on paper. Just allocate 5-10 minutes of writing whatever comes to mind. This is a great way to release anger, stress or whatever you need to let go of or get off your chest.
Yoga and Exercise
Head out for a walk and listen to motivating music, or a podcast. Take the kids and dog. If you are not sure of any yoga poses YouTube have some wonderful free classes, or you can log onto a subscription like yogaglo or Gaia.
Read motivational books or a topic you enjoy.
Some of my favourite authors are:
Gabrielle Bernstein
Louise Hay
Eckhart Tolle
Rebecca Campbell
Brene Brown
Self Care Routines
Start to practice self-care routines such as body brushing or self-massage before a shower. These will support you to feel back into your body and reconnecting with yourself.
Cook up some new healthy recipes, or just have fun in the kitchen exploring new ingredients and flavours.
Involve the kids with cooking. Not only will they feel proud to have helped, they will more than likely enjoy a healthy meal they have prepared.
Spend time with your family. Check in with the kids to make sure they are ok - it’s a massive change for them too!
Connect with friends and family via Facetime or Skype. You can still catching up for virtual coffee dates.
Write out a daily realistic plan. This helps us stay motivated, achieving all we want to achieve for ourselves, rather than getting stuck into days on end of Netflix bingeing.
This will also make the transition back to normality much easier once life goes back to normal. Hopefully we will have also learned some beautiful techniques we can incorporate into daily regular life, post isolation & distancing practices.
We are here to support you.
Knowing that it's a difficult time for all at the moment, I am offering 25% off initial consultations. Simply book your consultation and we'll apply the discount when paying. One less thing to worry about.
Sending much love, health and happiness,
Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.
About the Author

Chantelle Iacuone - Holistic Counsellor, Meditation Instructor & Yoga Teacher
Chantelle is a compassionate and caring holistic counsellor. She incorporates heart rate variability training, meditation, yoga and traditional counselling techniques. She's known for her caring nature. Chantelle regularly helps people overcome anxiety, depression and stress and navigate life transitions like separation or changing jobs.